Words of Encouragement and Acknowledgement of Impostor Syndrome for Developers

Impostor Syndrome, as articulated by this retired engineer, offers a profound insight into the evolution of expertise within one’s field. It delineates a trajectory familiar to many: the initial surge of confidence upon completing a CS course or bootcamp, swiftly followed by the humbling experience of entering the professional sphere and encountering individuals of greater experience and wisdom.

Introduction to Language-Oriented Programming

Explore the synergy between Language-Oriented Programming (LOP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing software development. Learn how domain-specific languages (DSLs) empower developers to express solutions intuitively, and discover the potential of AI in DSL design, development, and usage optimization.

Going Nostalgic With Text Adventures And QB64!

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of text adventure game development with this comprehensive guide to creating your own game in BASIC. Explore the intricacies of game design, programming techniques, and interactive storytelling as you learn to craft immersive experiences for players.

Dynamically Adding Properties to Python Classes

In many programming scenarios, you may encounter situations where you need to dynamically add properties to classes. This can be especially useful in game development, where different game objects may require unique properties based on their specific functionality or state. In this tutorial, we will explore five methods of dynamically adding properties to classes: the crude method, monkey patching, and using decorators, Meta-Classes, and the setattr method. We will illustrate each method using a scenario of an adventure game where we have a Room class and an Item class. This allows our code to be more general.