Understanding Unicode: A Deep Dive into Universal Text Encoding

Understanding Unicode: A Deep Dive into Universal Text Encoding

Unicode is a universal encoding standard designed to support every language and symbol in use today. This article provides an in-depth look into how Unicode works in application development, exploring the challenges of string comparison, normalization, and the multiple ways that the same visual character can be represented. Learn how to handle Unicode strings in Python, JavaScript, and C, and discover how normalization can resolve issues when comparing visually identical characters.

Introduction to Code Pages: Legacy Character Encoding Systems

Introduction to Code Pages: Legacy Character Encoding Systems

Code pages were once the backbone of character encoding in computers, providing a way to map binary values to text in different languages. However, they had significant limitations, particularly when dealing with multiple languages at once. This article explores the history of code pages, how they were used, and why they have been largely replaced by the modern Unicode standard, which offers a universal character set for all languages.

An Introduction to C for Arduino Users

Explore the essentials of C programming tailored for Arduino users. This comprehensive guide covers variables, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, and pointers, with practical code examples to help you harness the full potential of the Arduino platform.

Implementing Command Parsers on Arduino Over Serial

Introduction Command parsers are essential in embedded systems for receiving and interpreting commands from a host device, such as a computer or another microcontroller. In this article, we will explore how to implement command parsers on an Arduino over a serial connection, focusing on memory management, text buffer creation and use, string formatting, and handling

Understanding Modbus, SCPI, and GPIB Protocols and Their Implementation in Embedded Systems

Understanding Modbus, SCPI, and GPIB Protocols and Their Implementation in Embedded Systems
Control-Bus Image

A Beginners Guide Introduction Communication protocols are vital for enabling embedded devices to interact effectively. Three prominent protocols, Modbus, Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI), and General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB), stand out due to their widespread adoption in various industrial and testing environments. Recently, I had the opportunity to work on an embedded project

Mastering Assembly with GCC: A Comprehensive Guide to Assembling x86-64 Code

Learn how to master assembly language programming with GCC, focusing on x86-64 architecture. Explore optimization techniques, debugging strategies, and system programming concepts to unleash the full potential of low-level system programming.

Building Robust Systems: The Properties of Fault-Tolerant Applications

Building robust, fault-tolerant applications is crucial in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. This comprehensive article explores the essential properties of fault-tolerant applications, including isolation, concurrency, failure detection, live code upgrade, stable storage, and more. Learn about techniques used in critical environments like aerospace, and discover how organizations like NASA handle fault tolerance and remote code upgrades.

Modern C Programming: Embracing New Features, Standards, and Historical Changes

Delve into the evolution of C programming, from historical changes to embracing new features like C11. Explore its enduring usefulness in modern software development and understand its impact on programming languages and the fast-paced world of technology.

Kalman Filters: Theory, Applications, Implementation, and Considerations

Explore the power of Kalman filters in state estimation and sensor fusion. Understand their theoretical foundations, versatile applications in navigation, robotics, finance, and signal processing, and learn how to implement them using Python and C. Delve into their strengths, limitations, and considerations, and gain hands-on experience through practical examples. Uncover the mathematical framework behind Kalman filters and harness their potential to enhance accuracy in estimating dynamic system states amidst noise and uncertainties.

Introducing Control Algorithms: An In-Depth Exploration of P, PD, PI, and PID Controllers

Delve into the world of control algorithms with our comprehensive tutorial on Proportional (P), Proportional-Derivative (PD), Proportional-Integral (PI), and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers. Explore the theoretical foundations, features, and limitations of each controller while gaining practical insights through Python code examples. Elevate your engineering expertise by mastering these controllers for precision, stability, and effective disturbance handling in diverse systems.