Unraveling Markup Languages: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the diverse world of markup languages, from HTML to YAML, and discover their applications in web development, data interchange, and documentation. Understand the differences between markup and programming languages, and learn when to use a custom markup language for specialized requirements.

Exploring HTMX and Building Custom Attribute Handlers

Explore the world of web development with HTMX and custom attribute handlers. Learn how to enhance your web applications’ interactivity and simplify complex tasks using lightweight JavaScript libraries. Dive into the fundamentals of HTMX, REST, and the Custom Elements API, and discover how to create custom attribute handlers from scratch.

HTMX: Revolutionizing Web Development by Returning to the True Nature of the Web

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series HTMX

Discover how HTMX is revolutionizing web development with its return to the true nature of the web. Explore its RESTful approach, security considerations, and extension capabilities for creating efficient and secure interactive web applications. Uncover the power of custom HTML tags and learn why HTMX is reshaping the future of web development.

Advancing Inclusive Software Development for Individuals with Disabilities: A Comprehensive Guide

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Accessible Software Development

Unlocking Accessibility: A Comprehensive Guide to Inclusive Software Development for Disabilities. Explore how to create accessible web, desktop, and embedded systems software, ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and benefit from your digital innovations. Discover compliance tools, best practices, and valuable resources to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals with diverse needs.

Introducing WASI

Discover the power of WASI, the game-changing technology that allows web developers to tap into the full potential of their users’ devices. Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional web development and hello to blazing fast performance, seamless interactions, and unparalleled user experiences. Learn how WASI is revolutionizing the web development landscape and why it’s set to become the new standard for building modern web applications.

Dart / Flutter State Management with Okito

Recently in the slack flutter forum, the Okito package was announced. I took a quick look at the package but at the time didn’t have time to investigate it fully. This past week I got the chance to look the documentation over and produced my first ever Youtube video using Okito as the subject. In