Introduction to the Python xml Module: Part 2

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  • This post has 720 words.
  • Estimated read time is 3.43 minute(s).

Walkthrough of Creating a Simple Project

In this part, we'll walk through creating a simple project using the Python xml module. Our project will involve managing student records in an XML file. Each student record will have attributes such as student ID, name, age, and course.

Step 1: Creating the XML Structure

First, let's create an XML file named students.xml with the following structure:

    <student id="1">
        <name>John Doe</name>
        <course>Computer Science</course>
    <student id="2">
        <name>Jane Smith</name>

Step 2: Loading XML Data into Python Objects

Now, let's load the XML data into Python objects so that we can perform operations on the student records. We'll use the ET.parse() method to parse the XML file and get the root element.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Parse the XML file
tree = ET.parse('students.xml')
root = tree.getroot()

Step 3: Displaying Student Records

Next, let's display the student records from the XML file:

Display student records

# Display student records
for student in root.findall('student'):
    student_id = student.get('id')
    name = student.find('name').text
    age = student.find('age').text
    course = student.find('course').text
    print(f"Student ID: {student_id}, Name: {name}, Age: {age}, Course: {course}")

This code snippet iterates through each <student> element in the XML tree, retrieves the student's attributes and values, and prints them.

Step 4: Adding a New Student

Let's add a new student record to the XML file:

# Add a new student
new_student = ET.SubElement(root, 'student')
new_student.set('id', '3')
new_name = ET.SubElement(new_student, 'name')
new_name.text = 'Alice Johnson'
new_age = ET.SubElement(new_student, 'age')
new_age.text = '21'
new_course = ET.SubElement(new_student, 'course')
new_course.text = 'Mathematics'

# Write the updated XML tree to the file

This code adds a new <student> element with attributes and child elements to the XML tree and writes the updated tree to a new file students_updated.xml.

Step 5: Removing a Student

Let's also remove a student record with id '2' from the XML file:

# Find and remove a student by id
student_id_to_remove = '2'
student_to_remove = root.find(f".//student[@id='{student_id_to_remove}']")
if student_to_remove is not None:
    print(f"Student with ID {student_id_to_remove} removed.")
    print(f"Student with ID {student_id_to_remove} not found.")

This code snippet finds and removes a specific <student> element from the XML tree based on its id.

You have now completed the walkthrough of creating a simple project using the Python xml module. You can further enhance this project by adding more functionalities such as updating student records, searching for specific students, or saving the data in different formats.


In conclusion, this tutorial has provided a comprehensive introduction to using the Python xml module for working with XML files. By following the step-by-step instructions and walkthrough of creating a simple project to manage student records, you have gained valuable insights into constructing, manipulating, and saving XML data using Python. With this knowledge, you can confidently tackle more complex XML-related tasks and integrate XML handling into your Python projects with ease. Exploring additional functionalities and customizations within the xml module will further enhance your XML processing capabilities and empower you to efficiently work with structured data in various applications.


Here is a list of resources related to XML processing in Python, including links:

These resources offer a wealth of information, tutorials, courses, and forums where you can deepen your understanding of XML processing in Python and explore advanced topics and best practices.

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