Running Python CGI Scripts on Apache 2 with ISPConfig 3

Running Python CGI Scripts on Apache 2 with ISPConfig 3

Running Python CGI scripts on an Apache 2 server with ISPConfig 3 enables dynamic content generation using server-side scripting. This article provides a step-by-step guide to configuring Apache, enabling CGI, and running Python scripts through the cgi-bin directory, ensuring compatibility with ISPConfig’s website management.

Learning Lua Step-By-Step (Part 15)

This entry is part 14 of 25 in the series Learning Lua Step-By-Step

Dive into the world of web programming with Lua! In this series of articles, learn how to set up your development environment, create a simple multi-page web application using the Lapis framework, and enhance it with dynamic content and user authentication. Explore the possibilities of building powerful web apps with Lua.