The Debate over Removing Problematic Terms in Software: A Comprehensive Examination

“In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the software development community finds itself at the crossroads of a significant debate—one that resonates far beyond lines of code. The discourse revolves around the removal of seemingly innocuous terms like ‘master’ and ‘slave’ from software and its documentation, sparking a profound examination of inclusivity, symbolism, and the very fabric of industry culture. As the tug-of-war between tradition and progress intensifies, this article delves into the heart of the matter, dissecting the arguments from both sides and shedding light on the human and financial dimensions at play. By navigating this nuanced terrain, readers can gain insight into the dynamic forces shaping software development’s future and engage in a crucial dialogue about the transformative power of language.”

Building Machines In Code – Part 8

This entry is part 8 of 9 in the series Building Machines in Code

Adding a Crude Console Last time, we left off with a working computer system using the Tiny-T processor. I told you that we would add a very crude terminal to the system this time. The terminal I’ll present today is barely a terminal. It won’t have any special functions, text scrolling, or any other features

Building Machines In Code – Part 7

This entry is part 7 of 9 in the series Building Machines in Code

Today’s Project NOTICE: Today’s Code will only work under Python 3.10 and later. In this episode, we will build a new system using a processor with Von Neumann Architecture. We will also be splitting our system into various files and classes to organize our system better. The Memory will no longer be part of the

Building Machines In Code – Part 6

This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series Building Machines in Code

Last issue we built a simple assembler for our TIny-P processor emulator. In this installment, we will build a loader. But what is a loader? Loaders are small programs that load other programs into system memory and prepare them for execution. Most loaders are part of an Operating System however, in the embedded world, there

Dart / Flutter State Management with Okito

Recently in the slack flutter forum, the Okito package was announced. I took a quick look at the package but at the time didn’t have time to investigate it fully. This past week I got the chance to look the documentation over and produced my first ever Youtube video using Okito as the subject. In

Flutter Reaches 2.0

Flutter Reaches 2.0
Flutter Logo

Compiling Legacy Dart/Flutter Code with Sound Null Safe Code Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about flutter, Googles (fairly) new cross-platform toolkit. I started working with flutter back in 2017 and it has been a lot of fun! This past week Google held a virtual event for flutter called Flutter Engage. During the